<During the show: Aug. 17-18>.
Please inform the caller of the date you lost the item and the characteristics of the lost item.
Found items will be collected at the information desk on the SONIC stage. If it is on the day of the performance, please ask the information directly.
SUMMER SONIC OSAKA Found Property Reception 080-9269-4604 , 090-5130-8316 (11:00-20:00)
<After the show: 8/19->.
Lost and found items will be kept at the venue for a certain period of time. After the storage period, the items will be left at the Suita Police Station.
・Valuables will be kept for one week. (Valuables will be kept for one week (after that, they will be handed over to the Suita Police Station).
・Other found items will be kept at the Security Center for 3 months.
During the above storage period, please contact the Expo '70 Commemorative Park Security Office at TEL: 06-6877-3370.
During the above storage period, please contact the Expo Park Security Office at TEL: 06-6877-3370.
*For hygiene reasons, used towels and T-shirts will be disposed of after the performance. Please understand this.
*Please note that it may be difficult to make a phone call during the show due to congestion at the end of the show. Please wait a few minutes and call back.